Sunday, April 13, 2003

You have not heard from me here for a while. I've been in PRAYER. When I post something on here and you don't hear from me for a while, it probably means I am continuing in prayer and for the things already posted as well as the others things that come up in the NEWS. As you can see, you may know where my priority is. I am TRUSTING that you are in prayer also on a continual basis. What GREAT VICTORIES our Troops have accomplished with the awesome help of our ALMIGHTY GOD. But let us continue in prayer. REMEMBER the troops are not home. They are STILL there, and so am I! We will not DROP the ball, but continue to pray for their protection and VICTORY.

BUT we have seen SUCH VICTORY! This week as the statue of Sadaam Hussein fell in Bagdad was such an AWESOME sight and the rejoicing of the people of Iraq. Can't you see the love that God has for this people? HE SAW THEIR PAIN and moved on the COALITION Nations of the World to actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT their pain from a horrible evil regime. AND I believe we WILL find the "smoking gun" of Weapons of Mass Distruction in the belly of hell in the underground bunkers of the DEVIL'S REGIME in the Cradle of Civilization, the Garden of Eden where that old serpent the devil began his evil tactics on mankind.

In Jesus Name Father we praise you and pray you continue hunting down the sly slick dog of the devil and give us COMPLETE VICTORY over TROUBLE in this world. And for your power to continue to help us PREACH THE GOSPEL to the end of the world. Even so come, Lord Jesus, but protect us from the EVIL ONE as we OCCUPY until you come. And THANKS God for helping us TAKE BACK AMERICA. Bless our precious children, their lives, and future! In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!

Love, Wanda
Your Rewards are COMING for your Faithfulness to Pray!