(UPDATE to the post below: It has been over two and a half years now and the war is still on. BUT....what happened to the Church? Well, of course the Church quit really praying for our troops as usual when we get a victory we somehow seem to "celebrate" and quit REALLY praying. So....on this date CHRISTMAS DAY December 25, 2005 we now have over a couple THOUSAND troops have died. What if....what if.....beginning tomorrow the Church would just get back on its knees so to speak and began with the same fervency we originally had when we went to war to pray again for our troops. HINT: We take authority over the IED's-those are road side bombs. In the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. Amen.)
WOW! The day the war began my prayer request was for a "Five minute war". I was VERY serious and FAITH filled. BUT, as we all know right after the beginning of the war there were some very tragic situations and casualties. Some of these were from friendly fire and some even from not so friendly friendly fire.
Then a little later the tragic wrong turn of some of our "maintenance troops" which landed some killed and others taken POWS. BUT, praise God He kept them safe and rescued them from the captors. We all praised God for these miracles.
WOW! Do you really even remember having a war. I know I was personally very war out (get it-wore out), but was so thankful for the priviledge to have been able to PRAY FERVENTLY for our precious troops. On the nights right before they were suppose to be reaching Bagdad, I was in GREAT STRESSFUL TURMOILED PRAYER knowing the possiblity of Nuclear, Chemical, and/or Biological warfare on our precious troops. I BELIEVE God stopped them from moving too fast into Bagdad. They needed SLEEP and REFRESHING from the gruleling trip up to Bagdad. So it was several days later they moved into Bagdad after that particular prayer.
AND what a GLORIOUS APPEARING of our troops they were. With the fall of the statue of Saddam Hussein on that particular day we were all rejoicing in the great victory appearing.
CAN you believe there was even a war? For the ones who lost precious precious precious loved ones, they KNOW and REMEMBER WELL there was a war. We MUST pray for them. And REMEMBER the loved ones of 9-11? Have we forgotten so soon? Let's keep praying for them. We are all wore out and recouperating, but STILL continue in prayer for our troops and Binding terrorism. Pray for the Arabs/Muslims their hearts open to the ONE true God Jesus. (Can't they just go to work or something. Don't they have a job to go to????) How do they EVER find time to continue in their hatred rioting acts against God, America and Jerusalem? Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
NOW IS THE TIME TO DRAW NEAR TO THE HEART OF JESUS and give Him your total LOVE and devotion. Draw near to Him and Rest in His awesome Love and be refreshed.
Love, in Christ!