Thursday, July 15, 2010


THIS PRAYER WARRIOR NOW NEEDED PRAYERS!  It's not too often but I need emergency prayer!  A pure evil devil from hell has come up against me and I am in shock!  This demon is merciless and has no soul.  Thank you so much everybody!  I am grateful for all those who will pray and I give Jesus Christ all the glory!  Love, Wandafay

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Former Democrat's Different Prayer for Financial Miracles and Provision

In the past I would have prayed a different prayer.  I would have been asking God to pass this bill to give the people more unemployment benefits.   That is not my job at this point in my life after coming over to the conservative side of things politically.

In the past I didn't know about politics and what kind of affects legislation has on our country.  To pray a different kind of prayer does not make me a cruel Conservative or Republican.  The kind of thinking I have learned politically is meant to set people free financially and in every other area of life.  Our trust needs to be in God anyway!  We can NOT rely on the government to provide every need. 

The government can NOT do what God can do.  You want the desires of your heart you have to go to God for the provision.  God directly to God for that creative miracle of provision to be used by Him.  For Him to give you the provision you need through using your talents and the things you like to do is much better than relying on unreliable government that also keeps putting this country in more and more debt.   

My prayer would still have been for God to supply every need according to HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS Philippians 4:19 and that is my prayer also today!  For the hundreds, thousands and millions that are unemployed I do pray this prayer.

I also pray that all these people would be drawn to Jesus Christ knowing He is there provider also.  For those who already believe and have that relationship with you dear Jesus I ask you for all the miracles they need.  And for you to show yourself strong on behalf of those who love you.  And to do even MORE abundantly above all that we ask or think according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I pray for the blessing of the Lord to come upon your believing ones.  For those who don't know you to KNOW you and for those who don't believe that yo are a wonder working God that you touch them with the miracle and long lasting provision they need.

I pray for God to open doors for you that no man can close and close all the wrong doors that no man can re-open that YOU receive the greatest dream job you have ever knows.  The job, career, provision that uses what YOU LOVE TO DO and gives you the money you need to pay your bills and buy what you want and need.  And that it be an ABUNDANT supply. 

That you wake up everyday to your dream come true doing what you LOVE to do job and you get paid for it.  Praise you Jesus Christ.  And some of you don't even know what that is that you want to do so I ask the Lord to show you and just simply make a way and take you into it supernaturally giving God all the glory!

We need more that one little provision for the day Lord.  We need lasting provision.  I pray that you provide in miraculous ways like you never have so that you also will get the glory!  And we ask all of this in the Mighty Name of Jesus!  Amen

P.S.  And Lord that these people will NOT forget you in their tithes, offerings, love gifts giving you back what belongs to you at least 10 percent and more and then the provision will surely keep coming!  Amen

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prayer on a Strange Day

Dear God   Since I'm here and I accidentally landed on my own website I'll say a little prayer.  Thank you that this day is not as weird as the other day, but today is a strange day!  And Lord, you know what I'm talking about and I can't say their name, but I feel sorry for someone!

It's too bad, but I can't help the situation.  I can only simply leave it and them and put things in your hands and pray for you to work, save soul and be glorified.  Thank you for your Holy Spirit, your love, peace, joy, provision.  Thank you that we can stand on your Word and you always come through for us and make a way where there seems to be no way.

We lift up our lives to you and pray for comfort, peace healing and provision.  Go before us and clear the path and lead us into all truth for ourselves and our loved ones.  We lift up friends, family, loved ones, our troops and country.  Work in us and through us in a mighty way!  We give you all the praise and glory!  In Jesus Name, Amen!