Monday, March 24, 2003

OK! GUYS! THIS IS THE BIG ONE! Here is where we need to REALLY be on our knees for the TROUPS! (Well, we have been and will continue to be), BUT as the troups arrive nearer and nearer BAGDAD as they are, the THREAT of Iraq UNLEASHING BIO/CHEM on our coalition troups MUST be BOUND! BOUND! BOUND! WE BIND IT ALL RIGHT NOW! We come in agreement in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! WE pull down the strongholds of it and sniper attacks from anywhere and everywhere in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

We LOOSE millions and billions of angels to be with our troups as they march around Jericho and THE WALLS MUST come down! In the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Blood of Jesus, Blood of Jesus, Blood of Jesus, Blood of Jesus over our troups right now! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Almighty GOD! ALMIGHTY GOD! ALMIGHTY GOD! God with us! In the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Amen! Love, Wanda!
Stay Strong for our Troups and their love ones!

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